In Christ we, who are many, form one body, and each part belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5
Someone once said there are only three kinds of people in this world: those who are good at math and those who aren’t.
I’m not good at math.
Numbers are confusing, abstract things. I have a difficult time remembering people’s ages – including my own. My wife can recall phone numbers and zip codes from places where we lived over 20 years ago. I struggle, at times, to remember my current zip code. To me, numbers are not all that important.
People who are good with numbers feel quite differently. They actually show compassion through numbering things. A pastor once asked me how many members were in my congregation. I didn’t know. This pained him. “How can you care about your flock if you don’t know how many there are?”
He didn’t understand that I couldn’t number my flock even if I wanted to (which I don’t). Do you include the Pozanskis – who regularly attend worship, but have neverofficially become members? And what about Jason, whom I’ve never met? He’s in the military, and moves every few years, but wants his membership to remain here. When I try to number people, I always bog down, and end up with a muddled sum.
Some people love numbers and attention to detail. Those of us who are bold visionaries refer to them as “bean counters.” Bean counters, however, can dish it back. They view us visionaries as impractical, and call us “dreamers.”
So, how do people who approach life in such different ways get along with each other? The solution is surprisingly simple. We just round up all the “bean counters” and lure them onto cargo ships with offers of free calculators. Then we ship them off to a remote jungle in the Amazon basin, and provide them with spreadsheets and those plastic pen protectors you wear in your shirt pocket, and let them lead a happy life.
That’s the easy way. But God has the better way.
God wants us to realize how desperately we need each other’s gifts -- as much as the heart needs the lungs and the lungs need the heart.
In the body of Christ, we have people who are brilliant at organizing things. As strange as it sounds to us Big Picture types, they love working out the details and keeping the trains running on time. Without them, bold visions never become a reality. Administrator types also need those gifted in leadership.
When we learn to appreciate and value each others gift, good things happen. Only then will we see the body of Christ being built up.
I can’t locate the exact Bible passage at the moment, but I think there’s a verse that says you should find a brother or sister who has the opposite gift from you, and buy them pizza, and tell them you appreciate them. Or something like that.
(text copyright 2012 by Marty Kaarre)