Seven years ago yesterday, was the debut of 'Story of the Day'. In honor of that anniversary, we reprint for your reading pleasure the first story published. Enjoy!
My Wife, The Ninny
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his mercies never fail. They are new every morning.
Lamentations 3:19-23
When our children were little my wife always insisted I should take them to the clinic for immunization shots. I tried to convince her that children need a mother at such a traumatic moment. And then I would appeal to her higher nature by telling her not to be such a ninny.
Yet, despite my patient reasoning and crystalline logic, she remains adamant that I take them for their shots.
The ninny.
So, off I drive to the clinic with a little child bundled in the car seat. When the nurse walks into the room with the syringe, she sighs and apologizes – as if this is all her fault. Nurses hate this part of their duties.
I hold my little toddler on my lap — this cute little lump of sweetness and joy. How swiftly the fortunes of life are about to change.
What happens next is always the same. One moment they sit on my lap, secure and content. Then the needle. And then the piercing scream that echoes into the next county. The cry that pierces a daddy’s heart.
Want to know what my children do next? They hug me. They cling to me for comfort as they sob in pain.
I cannot explain to them why I did not defend them – why I did not fight off the strange woman with the needle who attacked them without provocation. I cannot explain that this present wound will pass, but the benefits will carry on. I cannot explain that I deliberately took them here because I love them dearly. My children are too young to understand. All I can do is hold them tight and tell them it’s okay.
Do you think God would do the same thing to you?
Do you think he wants you to cling tighter to him? That he wants to hold you tight and let you know it is going to be okay?
So what do you do when the tears come and life hurts so badly? Cling to your heavenly Father. Blow your nose. And let his love dry your tears.