Hi. My name is Marty Kaarre (pronounced CAR-ee), and I live with my wife and daughter on a mountain in northwest Montana — an hour and a half from the nearest traffic light. Our house sits by Pinkham Creek on a few acres originally homesteaded in 1903 by my wife’s great-grandfather. Because of its remoteness, this area became a hideout for outlaws, moonshiners, and rascals, so we don’t feel that our moving in has entirely ruined the neighborhood.

At present, I divide my time by serving as a pastor to a group of loving free spirits at a community church, writing, and leading wilderness retreats.

I spent my first four years of college getting a teaching degree.  My B.A. in education taught me what you probably know instinctively: that we learn best through stories.  Abstract truths are difficult to digest, but stories help us remember and apply principles in our daily lives.  Armed with a degree in education, I spent the next four years at a seminary — learning to read the Bible in Greek and stuffing my head with useful information.

As a pastor, I suppose I should seize the high ground and tout myself as an expert in theology.  But there’s a world of difference between knowing a lot of starchy facts about theology and feeling the wind in your face as you learn the life of following Jesus.  I’m not an expert; just a learner.

In my writings, I want to supply you with thoughts to ponder by slipping them into a story.  Some of the tongue-in-cheek stories include obvious exaggerations, but I work hard to verify that my content is as accurate as possible — and appreciate your corrections if you spot an error.

If you consider yourself very religious, and feel superior to others because of it, you won’t find much of interest here.  I write for those of youwilling to embrace me as a fellow misfit.  I write for all you who have been burned by judgmental Christians who have sold you a story different than the one Jesus tells.

I enjoy hearing your comments and will do my best to respond to them.  If you ever want to carry on a private conversation, my e-mail address is marty@stillpeakcollective.com, feel free to send me a note.  Just be sure you don’t sound as if you’re trying to sell me a vacuum cleaner because my spam filter is wrenched down pretty tight.

Background Info and Hobbies

  • I was born and raised in Michigan; my wife was born and raised in Montana.
  • We have five kids, two sons-in-law and a daughter-in-law.
  • I’m an introvert and my wife is a social butterfly.
  • I’m Finnish by background.  My parents spoke Finn from childhood but didn’t teach us kids. I do know one cuss word: haista napa, which means “smell my bellybutton.”
  • I like to play guitar (mostly in an altered tuning called DADGAD). I used to play fiddle and mandolin at a weekly barn dance.
  • My wife and I love to live off the land. We hunt, fish, garden, pick wild berries,  and make homemade wine.
  • We make an annual pilgrimage to northern Wisconsin to ski a 31 mile marathon called the Birkebeiner.
  • We avoid wealth by stuffing our horses full of hay.  My youngest daughter has three cats and two dogs: Mona, a neurotic husky, and Koira the Wonder Dog.  She used to have a pet slug, Doofus, but it died.
  • Go Packers!!!
  • We love to take hiking trips into the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
  • I don’t know how to yodel but think it would be a great way to drive my friends crazy.


This blog is a compilation of my personal insights and opinions. I make no claim to be a licensed physician, psychologist, or counselor.  I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.

And that about covers it.